SACRIFICE – The latest chilling masterpiece from acclaimed director Alberto Serra.

Available on Tubi, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and Vudu, this atmospheric film promises to captivate audiences with its blend of spine-tingling suspense and rich cultural folklore. Prepare to be spellbound as Serra leads you on a journey into the unknown, where ancient curses and dark family secrets collide in a gripping tale of survival and terror. Experience the nightmare of “Sacrifice” – now streaming on your favorite digital platforms.

Enter a realm of terror where family secrets and ancient curses collide.


In “Sacrifice,” two sisters find themselves thrust into a nightmare when they arrive at their grandmother’s farm. As they uncover dark family secrets and confront a curse that has plagued their grandmother for years, they must fight for their lives against malevolent forces lurking in the shadows. Drawing on legends from across Latin America, “Sacrifice” is a pulse-pounding horror tale that will leave audiences trembling in fear and longing for more.

Sacrifice” is a captivating horror film that immerses audiences in the rich tapestry of Latin American folklore. It offers a fresh and unique take on horror storytelling, making it a standout in the genre.

The film is led by the talented Ana Grethel Solis and Isabella Sierra, whose powerful performances bring the characters to life with raw emotion and intensity. Their compelling portrayals drive the narrative forward, engaging viewers from start to finish.

Director Alberto Serra’s atmospheric cinematography is a highlight, with expertly crafted visuals and haunting imagery that create an experience lingering long after the credits roll. The sense of dread and suspense is heightened through these stunning visuals.

The intriguing narrative of “Sacrifice” is filled with family secrets, ancient curses, and sinister forces. Each terrifying twist and turn unravels layers of mystery and suspense, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats.

Ultimately, “Sacrifice” delivers an unforgettable horror experience. From bone-chilling scares to spine-tingling moments of dread, this film pushes the boundaries of fear and leaves a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.

Experience the darkness lurking within the heart of Latin American folklore.

“Sacrifice” delivers an electrifying horror experience, blending spine-chilling suspense with rich cultural folklore. Director Alberto Serra masterfully weaves together a narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The talented cast, led by Ana Grethel Solis and Isabella Sierra, delivers captivating performances that draw viewers deeper into the gripping tale of family, curses, and survival. With its atmospheric setting and haunting imagery, “Sacrifice” is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts craving a fresh and chilling cinematic experience.

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